What I can do for you


Individual therapy

Individual therapy provides a non-judgmental environment for clients to work through their personal experiences - be it various emotional challenges or honing in on their strengths. Children often face various difficulties and challenges, such as relationship difficulties (e.g., familial or friendships), adapting to new circumstances, challenges relating to their peer group, bullying, anxiety and self-esteem issues, to name a few.

I favour an integrated approach to therapy and develop each therapy plan according to the client’s needs. Therapy sessions are around 50 minutes long.

individual therapy
toddler playing with crayons

Play therapy

Play therapy provides a space for children to process their experiences. As smaller children do not usually have the vocabulary to express their feelings, play becomes the language through which they explore their emotions and feelings. Play therapy can help children to work through various challenges that they might face.

Psycho-educational Assessments and Concession/Accommodation Assessments

Psycho-educational assessments are done to evaluate a child’s functioning in terms of their cognitive, emotional, scholastic, behavioural and motor-perceptual domains. By assessing these domains and integrating assessment results, suitable recommendations are made based on the assessment findings. The assessment results guide the development of interventions and the type of support that will be needed at home and school.

Psycho-educational assessments can be helpful in diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorders such as Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and identifying other intrinsic and extrinsic barriers to learning.

This psycho-educational assessment process includes the following:

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Background questionnaire (completed by parents)
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An intake interview with the parent(s)/legal guardian(s)
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Psycho-educational assessment (if needed, this can be done over several days)
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Psycho-educational report (compiled within 2-3 weeks of the assessment)
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Feedback session to parents
boy pointing to a cup
school readiness

School Readiness Assessments

School readiness assessments aim to provide insight into the readiness of a child to progress from Grade R to Grade 1. These assessments will focus on a child’s cognitive, emotional, behavioural and motor-perceptual domains. It includes an aptitude screening to determine a child’s relative strengths and weaknesses. As a result, appropriate interventions can be recommended to the parents and the school.

The school readiness assessment process includes the following:

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Background questionnaire (completed by parents)
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An intake interview with the parent(s)/legal guardian(s)
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School readiness assessment (if needed, this can be done over several days)
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Psycho-educational report (compiled within 2-3 weeks of the assessment)
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Feedback session to parents

Career counselling and assessment/Subject choice assessment

Career counselling and assessment includes the process whereby psychological assessments are utilised to help clients to make informed decisions about possible career paths or current career prospects. Making study, career and/or subject choices can be stressful for adolescents and young adults. Career counselling and assessment can provide a space for self-discovery to aid in the decision-making process of choosing a career path. Each assessment is tailored to each individual client’s needs.

Contact me directly to enquire about the different career counselling and -assessment/subject choice packages that I offer.

career counselling

Speaker, events and talks

Contact me directly to enquire about this offering for learners, staff or your specific event.