Contact Us

Contact us

Please note that the practice is CLOSED from 1 December 2023 until 15 January 2024.

If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to send me an email at

Alternatively, if you have a question or need more information, message me via WhatsApp (0728274230). Please note I am unable to answer calls during the course of the day.

If you would like to make an appointment, please send me an email at If it is your first contact with my practice, please provide the following information:

Client's/Child's name
ꕤ Client's/Child's date of birth
ꕤ Brief description of the reason for seeking services

Alternatively, if you have a question or need more information, message me via WhatsApp (0728274230).

Please note I am unable to answer calls during the course of the day.

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Useful contact numbers

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
Suicidal Emergency contact number: 0800 567 567
24hr Helpline: 0800 456 789

Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567

LifeLine Western Cape
24 Hour Emergency Helpline: 0861 322 322
WhatsApp call: 063 709 2620

Childline 116

Rape Crisis 021 447 9762

Gender Based Violence Command Centre
0800 428 428 or SMS 'help' to 31531

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
SADAG Mental Health Line: 011 234 4837

LifeLine Western Cape
Cape Town Office: 021 461 1113

The Trauma Centre 021 465 7373